capacity for healthy living systems

Sustainability is becoming a very ambiguous term. An article revealed that until 2007 there
were an estimated three hundred definitions of ‘sustainability’ and ‘sustainable development’
exist broadly within the domain of environmental management and the associated disciplines
which link with it, either directly or indirectly

Rural Development

It encompasses several instruments, such as measures to support the competitiveness of agriculture, Agri-Environmental Programmes, compensatory allowances for Less Favoured Areas and structural measures in rural areas

Soil & Biodiversity

Businesses should promote collaboration between farmers,
within supply chains and amongst relevant landscape stakeholders

capacity building

It will make you think deeper about connecting with the land, developing food security, ensuring your diet consists of

thriving agriculture

Wherever it is implemented, the Regenerative Agriculture Programme can guide, measure and enable essential regenerative agriculture outcomes and help farmers overcome the challenges they face to implement and scale solutions