Great pleasure occurs in which toil and pain can procure him some to take a trivial example,

Tell us about your company

Connexxion Agro-Allied is a field robotic start-up company. We solve one of the organic dairy farmers biggest problems which is weed control in grassland and we solve it by automating it.

Name us 5 words that describe Paltech best.

AgTech, Pest control, Irrigation & automation, Innovation, team spirit.

What is your innovation?

We found a method to fight Pest and Irrigation more effectively to promote higher yields and all-year-round farming. With our method, there is a real alternative to herbicides. Until now the only solution they have is to mechanically control them by manual work. Our method alleviates this pain.

How does it contribute to making our food system more sustainable?

As a society, we have high goals, The goal is to increase organic area in Africa from 2.3 % in 2018 to 25 % by 2030. The only way to make this possible is by automating work. Of course, we can’t solve this problem alone, but at least we try to make our small contribution to go in the right direction.

The Populace?

A growing global population and changing diets are driving up the demand for food. Production is struggling to keep up as crop yields level off in many parts of the world, ocean health declines, and natural resources—including soils, water, and biodiversity—are stretched dangerously thin. A 2020 report found that nearly 690 million people—or 8.9 percent of the global population—are hungry, up by nearly 60 million in five years. The food security challenge will only become more difficult, as the world will need to produce about 70 percent more food by 2050 to feed an estimated 9 billion people.

The challenge is intensified by agriculture’s extreme vulnerability to climate change. Climate change’s negative impacts are already being felt, in the form of increasing temperatures, weather variability, shifting agroecosystem boundaries, invasive crops and pests, and more frequent extreme weather events. On farms, climate change is reducing crop yields, the nutritional quality of major cereals, and lowering livestock productivity. Substantial investments in adaptation will be required to maintain current yields and to achieve production and food quality increases to meet demand.

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