
The effects of cultivation depend on the depth and frequency of the cultivation. Tilling to greater depths and more frequent cultivations have an increased negative impact on all soil organisms. No-till, ridge tillage, and strip tillage are the most compatible tillage systems that physically maintain soil organism habitat and biological diversity in crop production.
Soil compaction reduces the larger pores and pathways, thus reducing the amount of suitable habitat for soil organisms. It also can move the soil toward anaerobic conditions, which change the types and distribution of soil organisms in the food web. Gaps in the food web induce nutrient deficiencies to plants and reduce root growth.
Pest control:
Pesticides that kill insects also kill the organisms carried by them. If important organisms die, consider replacing them. Plant-damaging organisms usually increase when beneficial soil organisms decrease. Beneficial predator organisms serve to check and balance various pest species. Herbicides and foliar insecticides applied at recommended rates have a small impact on soil organisms. Fungicides and fumigants have a much greater impact on soil organisms.
Fertility and nutrient balances in the soil promote biological diversity. Typically, carbon is the limiting resource to biological activity. Plant residue, compost, and manure provide carbon. Compost also provides a mix of organisms, so the compost should be matched to the cropping system.

Project Scope

Soil organisms play a key role in nutrient cycling. Fungi, often the most extensive living organisms in the soil, produce fungal hyphae. Hyphae frequently appear like fine white entangled thread in the soil. Some fungal hyphae (mycorrhizal fungi) help plants extract nutrients from the soil. They supply nutrients to the plant while obtaining carbon in exchange and thus extend the root system

  • Cover crops and crop rotations
  • Crop residue management
  • Nutrient cycling

Project Info




Maiduguri, Nigeria

Square Meters


Project Year


Project Value