To assess the effects of COVID-19 on Nigerian farmers, a qualitative study design including computer-aided, qualitative content analysis was applied by Connexxion Group. Interviews with several small-holder farmers covering a broad spectrum of the sector were conducted to identify the impacts, obstacles, and opportunities during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. The results show that the diverse and heterogeneous impacts of COVID-19 on farms created significant challenges but also opportunities. Negative impacts included sales difficulties due to the closure of the hospitality industry and farmers markets, the ban on non-agricultural activities, the disrupted availability of workers and agricultural inputs, and the related additional workload. Mitigation of negative effects through political measures and interest groups showed limited effectiveness. Nevertheless, the functionality of the agricultural sector was maintained. During the initial phase of the pandemic, direct impacts on agricultural production were minimal and adjustments were adequate. There were also positive effects on parts of the agricultural sector, such as a boost in direct sales, increased demand in the food retail sector, and improved public perception of agriculture and farmers. Long-term changes in farms have been triggered and/or reinforced by the COVID-19 pandemic, mainly driven by digitization, investments in product and/or process innovations, and adjustments concerning marketing.
Project Scope
Long-term changes in farms have been triggered and/or reinforced by the COVID-19 pandemic, mainly driven by digitization, investments in product and/or process innovations, and adjustments concerning marketing.